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Table 1 Severe maternal morbidity (Respondents = 1,824)

From: The relationship between severe maternal morbidity and psychological health symptoms at 6–8 weeks postpartum: a prospective cohort study in one English maternity unit

Severe maternal morbidity


Major obstetric haemorrhage [25]


Estimated blood loss ≥1500 ml (either vaginal or caesarean section related), or transfused 4 or more units of blood during labour, birth or immediately after birth


Eclampsia [56]


A convulsive condition associated with pre-eclampsia


Severe pre-eclampsia [57]


Pre-eclampsia with an existence of blood pressure of 160/110 mmHg


HELLP syndrome [25]


Haemolysis (abnormal peripheral blood smear or raised total bilirubin concentration (>20.5 μmol/l)), raised liver enzyme activity (raised aspartate aminotransferase (>70 U/l)) or raised γglutamyltransferase (>70 U/l), and low platelets (<100 × 109/l))


Intensive care unit (ICU)/High dependency unit (HDU) admission


ICU/HDU admission after giving birth. Admission for one of the above conditions or for any other reason.


Total (All severe maternal morbidity cases)


  1. Numbers do not add up to n = 147 because some women had more than one condition.