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Table 1 1991–2010 Alabama adverse birth outcomes by individual and ZIP code-level characteristics (n = 490,366)

From: Area-level risk factors for adverse birth outcomes: trends in urban and rural settings

Individual-level characteristics

PTB, n (%)

LBW, n (%)

Total births

56838 (11.6%)

46606 (9.5%)



32628 (57.4%)


32628 (70.0%)


Payment method



29795 (12.7%)

27062 (11.5%)


2297 (15.8%)

1902 (13.1%)

  Private insurance

24746 (10.3%)

17642 (7.3%)



  African American

23018 (14.7%)

21854 (13.9%)


32046 (10.3%)

23478 (7.5%)


1774 (8.7%)

1274 (6.3%)

Years of education


  Fewer than 12

34089 (12.4%)

29857 (10.8%)


19326 (11.9%)

16412 (10.1%)


13096 (11.3%)

10037 (8.6%)

  16 or more

9653 (17.0%)

6712 (6.8%)



  First birth

22370 (10.9%)

19883 (9.7%)

  Second or later birth

34468 (12.1%)

26723 (9.4%)

ZIP code-level characteristics


Percent poverty, n (%)


  1st quartile (0% to 10.3%)

12781 (10.5%)

9255 (7.6%)

  2nd quartile (10.4% to 15.1%)

13952 (11.2%)

11043 (8.9%)

  3rd quartile (15.2% to 20.8%)

13746 (11.3%)

11576 (9.6%)

  4th quartile (20.9% to 70.5%)

16359 (13.3%)

14732 (12.0%)

Percent African American, n (%)


  1st quartile (0% to 8.4%)

12726 (10.5%)

9527 (7.8%)

  2nd quartile (8.5% to 21.5%)

12923 (10.5%)

10056 (8.2%)

  3rd quartile (21.8% to 44.9%)

14255 (11.6%)

11862 (9.7%)

  4th quartile (45.3% to 97.6%)

16934 (13.8%)

15161 (12.4%)

Population density, n (%)


  1st tertile (0.7 to 39.1 people/km2)

18426 (11.3%)

15416 (9.4%)

  2nd tertile (39.4 to 197.8 people/km2)

17723 (10.8%)

14043 (8.6%)

  3rd tertile (205.7 to 2168.7 people/km2)

20689 (12.7%)

17147 (10.5%)

RUCA, n (%)


  Isolated and small town

9454 (11.5%)

8057 (9.8%)

  Large town

6669 (10.8%)

5665 (9.2%)


40715 (11.8%)

32884 (9.5%)

  1. Abbreviations: PTB preterm birth, LBW low birth weight, RUCA Rural–urban Commuting Area Codes.