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Table 1 Inclusion criteria and definitions

From: Vasoactive agents for the prediction of early- and late-onset preeclampsia in a high-risk cohort

Inclusion criteria

Early-onset preeclampsia n = 6

Late-onset preeclampsia n = 21

Women with risk factors n = 26

Complications in previous pregnancies:



1 (17%)

11 (55%)

10 (38%)

(Blood pressure ≥ 140 systolic and/or ≥ 90 mmHg diastolic in two consecutive measurements and proteinuria ≥0.3 g/in 24-hour urine collection or two random urine containing ≥ 1+ by dipstick or one dipstick demonstrating ≥ 2+ protein)

Fetal growth restriction

3 (50%)

0 (0%)

5 (19%)

(Birthweight SD score < −2 standard deviations (SD) according to the Finnish standards*)

Fetal death


1 (5%)


(>22 weeks of gestation or over 500 g)

A history of one of the following conditions:



2 (33%)

11 (55%)

11 (42%)

(BMI over 30 kg/m3 prior to pregnancy)

Gestational diabetes


3 (15%)

3 (12%)

(one or more abnormal values in the oral glucose tolerance test)

Chronic hypertension


4 (20%)

3 (12%)

(≥140/90 mmHg or medication for hypertension before 20th weeks of gestation)

Age over 40 years


1 (5%)

1 (4%)

Age under 20 years



1 (4%)

  1. Inclusion criteria in the women with risk factors in the ’Prediction and Prevention of PreEclampsia’ (PREDO) Project.
  2. 1. Early preeclampsia is diagnosed before 34 + 0 weeks of gestation.
  3. 2. Late onset preeclampsia is diagnosed after 34 + 0 weeks of pregnancy.
  4. 3. Additional inclusion criteria were Sjögren´s syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, type I diabetes which however were present in none of the participants.
  5. 4. Exclusion criteria were asthma, allergy to aspirin, tobacco smoking during pregnancy, previous peptic ulcer, placental ablation in a previous pregnancy, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis), rheumatoid arthritis, bleeding disorder, trombophilia (previous venous or pulmonary thrombosis and/or coagulation abnormality), or multiple pregnancy.
  6. * According to the Finnish standards by Pihkala et al. Duodecim 1989 (13).