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Table 1 Mapping of included systematic reviews

From: Gaps in the evidence for prevention and treatment of maternal anaemia: a review of systematic reviews


Interventions around prevention and screening

Interventions around treatment


Nutrition supplementation

Total = 19

Nutrition supplementation

Total = 3


Multiple/ micronutrients

Fishman, S (2000)*

Iron &/or folate

Mathews, F (1996)


Villar, J (2003)


Rasmussen, K (2001)*


Haider, B (2006) ↑


Reveiz, L (2007)* ↑


Haider, B (2011) ↑


Vitamin A

Faisel, H (2000)


Van den Broek, N (2002) ↑


Vitamin E

Rumbold, A (2005) ↑


Vitamin C

Rumbold, A (2005) ↑


Iron & folic acid only

Gulmezoglu, M (1997)


Kulier, R (1998)


De Onis, M (1998)


Milman, N (1999)


Rasmussen, K (2001)*


Sloan, N (2002)


AHRQ (2006)*


Reveiz, L (2007)* ↑


Peña-Rosas, J (2009) ↑


Macedo, A (2010)


Yakoob, M (2011) ↑


Organisation of antenatal care


Total = 5


Scholl, T (1994)


Carroli, G &Villar, J (2001) ↑


Villar, J (2001) ↑


Carroli, G &Rooney, C (2001)


Dodd, J (2007) ↑


Postnatal (up to 1 year)


Total = 1

Iron &/or erythropoietin

Total = 3


Fishman, S (2000)*


Dodd, J (2004) ↑


Kotto-Kome, A (2004)


AHRQ (2006)*

  1. * Systematic review included in more than one row/column.
  2. ↑ Systematic review categorised as high quality.