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Table 1 Reasons for wanting to quit smoking during pregnancy

From: The effectiveness of financial incentives for smoking cessation during pregnancy: is it from being paid or from the extra aid?



Incentivised Group

Non-Incentivised Group

Concern for Baby

Being pregnant and concerned about the possible consequences of smoking on the baby



Feeling pressured

Internal Pressure. Experiencing guilt for smoking while pregnant and feeling pressure from self not to do so




External Pressure. Experiencing pressure from others not to smoke



Financial issues

Expense of smoking. Not affording to smoke and wanting to save money




Financial Incentives. Wanting to get the vouchers



Concern for self

Concern about the illnesses and physical damage (including damage to appearance) caused by smoking, about consequences on existing health problems (e.g. asthma) and wanting to increase energy levels



Concern for existing children

Being concerned about the consequences of smoking on the health of existing children, wanting to reduce the possibility of them becoming smokers because of exposure to smoking, and wanting to avoid causing children distress due to personal smoking-related health problems

