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Table 3 Gestational age and fetal growth among preeclampsia cases and controls

From: Smoking in preeclamptic women is associated with higher birthweight for gestational age and lower soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 levels: a nested case control study




P value

Gestational age at delivery, weeks; mean (SD)*

36.8 (3.5)

39.2 (1.4)

< 0.0001

Gestational age at delivery, weeks*


   < 32 weeks

8 (7%)

1 (0%)

< 0.0001

   32-33 weeks

6 (5%)

0 (0%)


   34-36 weeks

23 (21%)

18 (4%)


   ≥ 37 weeks

76 (67%)

415 (96%)


Birthweight, grams; mean (SD)#

2834.4 (848.4)

3485.3 (500.2)

< 0.0001

Z-score birthweight for gestational age^; mean (SD)

-0.31 (1.0)

0.15 (0.9)

< 0.0001

Small for gestational age^

22 (21.6%)

32 (7.3%)

< 0.0001

Large for gestational age^

6 (5.9%)

50 (11.3%)


Z-score placental weight for gestational age+;

mean (SD)


0.15 (0.98)


  1. Values shown are n (%) unless otherwise noted
  2. * data missing for 9 subjects;# data missing for 5 subjects;
  3. ^ Z-score birthweight for gestational age, small for gestational age, large for gestational age as defined in Kramer et al [14]; data missing for 13 subjects
  4. + Z-score placental weight for gestational age calculated as defined by McNamara [15, 16]; placenta data missing for 186 subjects