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Table 3 Birth outcomes, by population group and survey-period

From: Improved pregnancy outcome in refugees and migrants despite low literacy on the Thai-Burmese border: results of three cross-sectional surveys





Camp population


Known live births

(n = 681)

(n = 515)

(n = 621)

EGA (wks, days)1

38.4 ± 1.8 [28.0-43.0]

39.0 ± 1.6 [28.5-42.5]

39.1 ± 1.5 [28.0-42.1]

Premature births

13% (87)

7% (35)

6% (35)

Male offspring

55% (371)

55% (282)

49% (303)

Live births weighed in ≤ 3 days of life

(n = 662)

(n = 498)

(n = 610)

Birth weight (g)1

2848 ± 504 [1007-4900]

2980 ± 443 [800-4500]

2968 ± 431 [1100-4220]

Low birth weight

18% (118)

11% (56)

11% (65)

Term LBW

10% (58)

9% (40)

8% (43)

Migrant population


Known live births


(n = 124)

(n = 247)

EGA (wks, days)1


39.6 ± 2.0 [30.1-43.0]

39.0 ± 1.8 [28.6-43.4]

Premature births


7% (8)

8% (19)

Male offspring


55% (68)

53% (130)

Live births weighed in ≤ 3 days of life


(n = 56)

(n = 155)

Birth weight (g)1


2870 ± 466 [1050-4000]

2952 ± 492 [1250-4600]

Low birth weight


13% (7)

12% (18)

Term LBW


8% (4)

8% (11)

  1. Data are presented as percentage (number) or as mean ± SD [range] 1