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Table 2 Baseline characteristics of women randomized to clotrimazole and usual care

From: Treatment of asymptomatic vaginal candidiasis in pregnancy to prevent preterm birth: an open-label pilot randomized controlled trial

Maternal baseline characteristics


N = 50

n (%)

Usual care

N = 49

n (%)

Age (years)



28 (56)

36 (73)

   ≥ 35

22 (44)

13 (27)




11 (22)

14 (29)


9 (18)

11 (22)


30 (60)

24 (49)

Previous preterm birth

2 (4)

2 (4)


   Candida albicans

37 (74)

35 (73)

   Moderate or heavy growth

27 (55)

19 (42)

  1. Gravidity = number of pregnancies
  2. Parity = number of births ≥20 weeks or ≥400 grams
  3. * Excludes five women (1 clotrimazole and 4 no treatment) for whom growth information was not reported