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Table 6 Intervention Development

From: Global report on preterm birth and stillbirth (7 of 7): mobilizing resources to accelerate innovative solutions (Global Action Agenda)

Overarching Goal: Generate knowledge to develop new capacities and strengthen existing capacities to improve birth outcomes





Post-Conference (by 2010)

Short-Term (by 2012)

Intermediate (by 2015)

Long-Term (beyond 2015)

Success Metrics

A. Set and disseminate research priorities

1. Complete formal CHNRI process and manuscript

2. Publish manuscript of CHNRI analysis

3. Issue RFA based on research priorities

4. Update research priority exercise

5. Update Global report on preterm birth and stillbirth, and research priorities

6. Issue second RFA based on revised research priorities

7. Promote continuing feedback between research priority exercise and results from new research, with the involvement of funders and policymakers

• Manuscript developed for publication

• Global report on preterm birth and stillbirth, and research priorities updated (5 years)

B. Complete prioritized research and share results

1. Obtain commitment from funders and buy-in from stakeholders on finalized research agenda

2. Allocate funding on the basis of the RFA

3. Complete prioritized research

4. Results inform advocacy stakeholders to build political will for interventions

5. Research leads to new interventions that are implemented at large scale in a few countries

6. Research informs each stage along the continuum: Discovery, Development, Delivery and Advocacy

7. New round of funding allocation based on revised research agenda

8. Complete revised prioritized research

9. Interventions resulting from the research initiative are implemented at scale in large numbers of countries

10. Second round of research leads to new interventions that are implemented at large scale in a few countries

• RFAs issued to address priority research interventions

• Priority research completed

• Successful research implemented at scale

C. Strengthen research capacity

1. Obtain commitment from funders for an initiative to build on-site capacity for intervention development and clinical trials

2. Develop database of active research projects on preterm birth and stillbirth

3. Establish research network (2010)

4. Establish and link regional Centers for Excellence in LMICs (2011)

5. Strengthened research capacity contributes to improvements in research and to the development of new, locally-relevant interventions

6. Donor investments in research in LMICs and HICs.and research capacity building in LMICS, are significantly expanded, resulting in a shift of the global research divide

• Network of SB/PTB researchers established

• Systems of regional centers of excellence established in LMICs

• Donor investments to research institutions 50:50 LMICs/HICs

  1. *Milestones are to be reached by no later than December of the year indicated.