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Table 5 Stillbirth Epidemiology

From: Global report on preterm birth and stillbirth (7 of 7): mobilizing resources to accelerate innovative solutions (Global Action Agenda)

Overarching Goal: Stillbirths are an important indicator of women's health, and accurate collection of data will help influence health care providers and policy makers to improve maternal and child health





Post-Conference (by 2010)

Short-Term (by 2012)

Intermediate (by 2015)

Long-Term (beyond 2015)

Success Metrics

A. Ensure the collection of comparable data of high quality, and build capacity

1. Catalogue current efforts of facility-and population-based data collection

2. Coordinate efforts to improve measurement in large-scale population-based surveys

3. Consensus meeting to identify uniform minimal data collection on all pregnancies (refine in parallel with classification system)

4. Create internet-based resources and tools for accurate measurement

5. 100% of countries have a national empirical estimate of SB rate

6. Establish 100% country compliance with at least two metrics of SB


• Defined distribution of risk factors of SB from these minimal datasets, especially in high SB mortality countries

• International comparisons

B. Develop uniform classification for stillbirths

1. Create network for classification of SB

2. Develop uniform classification system (refine in parallel with uniform minimal data set)

3. Test validity against existing standards in HICs and in LMICs


• Adoption of classification system to allow international comparisons

C. Develop targeted and in-depth population based studies


1. Initiate population-based studies, with control groups, in regions with high SB mortality

2. Identify specific etiologies for SB

3. Institute regional, population-specific intervention trials


• Defined distribution of risk factors of SB, especially in high SB mortality countries

D. Inform evidence-based policies and interventions

1. Identify potential funding sources

2. Establish infrastructure for data collection and analysis

3. Train personnel in data collection at local and regional levels

4. Define and evaluate data quality indicators


• Implementation of evidence-based policies/interventions

  1. *Milestones are to be reached by no later than December of the year indicated.