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Table 10 Advocacy and Policy

From: Global report on preterm birth and stillbirth (7 of 7): mobilizing resources to accelerate innovative solutions (Global Action Agenda)

Overarching Goal: Key actors allocate sufficient resources and support policies, programs, and actions at the global, regional, national, and community levels to ensure safe full-term pregnancies and healthy newborns





Post-Conference (by 2010)

Short-Term (by 2012)

Intermediate (by 2015)

Long-Term (beyond 2015)

Success Metrics

A. Increase funding for research on the scope, causes, consequences, interventions, and scaling up of interventions for preterm birth and stillbirth

1. Identify champions (recruit and mobilize)

2. Develop fact sheet that presents need, gap and benefits of research on PTB/ SB and link to MDGs4&5 (RMNCH)

3. Mobilizing professional organizations

4. Educating decision makers

5. Identify and prioritize funding targets among national governments, public-private partnerships, international nonprofit agencies and large research funding donors


• Number of research projects on PTB and SB

• Funds being expended on PTB and SB

• Completed research projects

• Statements from donor entitites (from H8, for example) that mention PTB/SB as an issue that needs attention

• Number of professional associations at a global and national level that call for increased research funding

B. Increase awareness of the magnitude, impact, and opportunities to reduce and prevent preterm birth and stillbirth, as they relate to the accomplishments of the MDGs

1. Develop key messages, fact sheets and success stories

2. Educate MNCH community internally

3. Create an advocacy/ communications network

4. Develop in-country community outreach, including men and women, and community influences

5. Outreach to policymakers through regional and global forums and partnerships

6. Create a global awareness campaign


• Number of people who publicly speak about personal experiences with PTB and SB

• Media coverage (media as a proxy)

• Surveys, polls

• DHS incorporates guestions on PTB/ SB

• Incorporation of PTB/SB messages into materials of MNCH agencies, initiatives, partnerships

• Number of policymaker statements that include PTB and SB messages

C. Build financial and political support for scaling up a core set of evidence-based, effective interventions for preventing/ managing PTB and SB, and integrate into national policies and guidelines

1. Identify set of universal priorities based on existing information

2. Recruit and mobilize champions

3. Present and disseminate global reports and country studies on PTB and SB

4. Define and promote policy proposals

5. Focus event


• Number of regional/national plans that incorporate PT and SB with funds allocated

• Number of partnerships that incorporate PTB and SB

• Dissemination of credible, authorized studies to decisionmakers

• Number of champions and supporters mobilized

• Funding allocations for MNCH by donor countries

  1. *Milestones are to be reached by no later than December of the year indicated.