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Table 2 Challenges and issues related to introduction of ultrasound in low-resource settings

From: First look: a cluster-randomized trial of ultrasound to improve pregnancy outcomes in low income country settings

Potential challenges with the introduction of ultrasound include


Security of the ultrasound machine


Prevention of the use of the ultrasound equipment for sex determination/selection


Infrastructure requirements, including electricity and maintenance


Training issues for community physicians and para-professionals


Diversion of resources from other clinical activities to ultrasound


Use of resources required for life saving interventions to expenditures for US equipment


Increase in unnecessary interventions


Attrition of trained ultrasound personnel


Health facilities improving to meet increases in demand generated by ultrasound


Sustaining funding for continuous improvement in ultrasound training and care delivery

Issues related to training various providers to use ultrasound identified include:


Defining the level of health care personnel who can be effectively trained in ultrasound use.


Country regulations for type of health professional allowed to be certified in ultrasound use.


Acceptability at the policy level of this trial to train health care professionals other than physicians and sonographers.


Defining the type and length of training required to achieve reliable diagnoses by community physicians and non-physicians with various levels of training.


Determining how well ultrasound can identify various conditions at different levels of care.


Logistics of providing care while essential personnel are in ultrasound training.