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Table 2 Interview content, by phase of evaluation

From: Process evaluation of a community-based intervention promoting multiple maternal and neonatal care practices in rural Nepal

Phase I

Phase II

Phase III

Perspectives on intervention including perception of booklet and appropriateness of intervention strategy.

Impressions regarding FCHV meetings and monitoring and supervision of the intervention.

Pile-sorting exercise: Perceptions regarding importance of individual cards in booklet.

Opinion regarding intervention and its effect on maternal/newborn health.

FCHV's intervention-related responsibilities and difficulties in fulfilling them.

FCHV's experience during visits with clients, use of pregnancy register, and use of the booklet, including her perceptions of its effectiveness.

Opinion regarding FCHV training, job aids, FCHV meetings and supervision FCHV receives.

FCHV's relationship with community including experiences and difficulties.

Preferred format for booklet.

Exercises with booklet cards: (1) identification of cards that repeat messages on other cards; (2) pile-sorting exercise to group individual cards in terms of importance as defined by "which cards do you show clients most often (and why)?".

Experiences and problems during latest pregnancy and delivery including newborn care.

Comparison of practices during two most recent deliveries and pregnancies (multiparous mothers only).

Perception regarding FCHV services including quality of information FCHV provides.

How the booklet is used.

Intra-household decision-making dynamics regarding maternal and newborn health issues.

Preferred format for booklet.

Exercises with booklet cards: (1) knowledge of content of cards; (2) choosing the four most useful cards that mother would give to a friend; (3) pile-sorting exercise to identify cards/messages that mother followed.